Respite Care/ Emergency Accommodation
Our comprehensive support services like STA, MTA, Respite Care/ Emergency Accommodation. We understand the diverse needs and challenges that’s why our services are there to ensure the safety, well-being, and comfort of you. STA (short term accommodation) or respite care can be availed for a period of maximum 28 days every year and MTA (medium term accommodation) can be utilised for a period of up to 90 days.
Key Features Of Our Accommodation Services:
- Safe and comfortable accordion within fully equipped and accessible facilities
- Personalised support tailored to individual needs, preferences and goals
- Respite care or emergency accommodation along with essential support services and resources.
- Complete assistance with personal care activities.
- Help engage in community activities of your choices while ensuring safety.
- Household management to ensure a smooth transition.
- 24/7 support to ensure on-time delivery of needs.
Our accommodation services are designed to cater to your short and medium term accommodation needs. Whether you need a short or medium term respite while your primary caregivers are away, because you need recuperative support or need accommodation while some renovations are underway in your current home, you can count on us for assistance.